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Research Groups in 2012
Highlights of publications, events, and other activities of the Research Groups
Unconventional Nuclear Astrophysics The Unconventional Nuclear Astrophysics Research Group, led by astrophysicist Mahir Saleh Hussein, have resumed the project "Dynamics of Multibody Systems" (Fapesp). The third phase of the project will continue until January 31, 2016. Hussein explains that, among other purposes, the project aims to study nuclear astrophysics with exotic nuclei, quantum chaos, and both hybrid and single species of Bose-Einstein condensates in multiple traps, in particular the inter-relationship between mean-field effect and correlations of multiple bodies. EVENT
Environmental Sciences The United Nations Conference on Sustainability (Rio+20) held in June inspired several studies by the Environmental Sciences Research Group. The Group also helped to organize several of the conference’s parallel activities. EVENTS Sustainability of the Brazilian Amazonia. Lecturer: Toby Gardner (University of Cambridge and University of Lancaster, UK); debater: Roberto Araújo de Oliveira Santos Jr. (National Space Research Institute/INPE); coordinator: Ricardo Abramovay (School of Economics and Management/FEA). November 21, at the IEA.
Culture and Literature The group held internal meetings from August to November on issues related to aesthetics and literary criticism. Two professors from the Philosophy Department of USP's School of Philosophy, Literature and Human Sciences/FFLCH were invited to give lectures: Franklin Leopoldo e Silva, who spoke about Rousseau's confessional work, and Márcio Suzuki, who addressed Schiller's On Naive and Sentimental Poetry. Members of the group also gave lectures: professor Marta Kawano discussed the poetry of Gerard de Nerval, and professor Alípio Correia de Franca Neto talked about his translation of poems by Coleridge.
Intercultural Dialogues In October, the Intercultural Dialogues Research Group released the e-book Diálogos Interculturais: Reflexões Interdisciplinares e Intervenções Psicossociais. Organized by Sylvia Duarte Dantas, the group's leader, this work is a collection of 17 texts, 15 of which resulted from the seminars Intercultural Dialogues: What Are We and What We Reveal, held in November 2010, and Intercultural Orientation: New Reflections and Fields of Intervention. The two other essays depict interculturality through the reports of immigrants in Brazil.
Philosophy, History and Sociology of Science and Technology Created in 2009, the Research Group on Philosophy, History and Sociology of Science and Culture revised its project in 2012, when it also organized the FAPESP theme project "Genesis and Meaning of Technoscience: On the Relationship between Science, Technology and Society." Visiting fellow Nicolas Lechopier, from Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, France, worked with the group from October to December, holding two seminars and a roundtable. EVENTS Participation and Public Health. Lecturer: Nicolas Lechopier. November 21. Public Health Guidelines: What are the Critical Approaches?. Debaters: Maria da Penha Costa Vasconcellos (FSP), Denise Gastaldo (University of Toronto, Canada), Emília Sanabria (École Normale Superieure de Lyon, France), and Helena Leal David (Rio de Janeiro State University/UERJ); coordinator: Nicolas Lechopier.
Nutrition and Poverty EVENT
Observatory of Innovation and Competitiveness The Observatory of Innovation and Competitiveness, which became USP’s Research Support Hub (NAP) in mid-2011, continued to develop EngenhariaData, a system of indicators that provides, in a single Web site, important historical information on engineering, including data on education, labor market and scientific production. Housed at the IEA, the Hub is connected to the Dean's Office for Research of the University of São Paulo. EVENTS
Public Policies, Territoriality and Society EVENT
Environmental Policy EVENT
Ecosystem Services The book Polinizadores do Brasil: contribuições e perspectivas para a biodiversidade, uso sustentável, conservação e serviços ambientais (Edusp, 488 p.) was published in July by the Ecosystem Services Research Group. Organized by Vera Lucia Imperatriz-Fonseca (group coordinator), Dora Ann Lange Canhos, Denise de Araújo Alves, and Antonio Mauro Saraiva, the work contains 23 articles written by 85 researchers from 36 Brazilian scientific institutions. The volume discusses conservation of biomes, pollination syndromes, vertebrate pollinators, and bees, the most commonly used pollinators in agriculture. |
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